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Cat inherits nearly £10million (Video)

A CAT cut from the top of the feline rich list after inheriting nearly £ 10 million.

However, the Italian Pussycat animal remains only the third richest in the world.

Rich Tommaso Maria Assunta owner died and left the entire family fortune.

She was rescued as a stray and could not think of anyone better to leave your property portfolio after he died last month aged 94, with no living relatives.

This means that the cat is the proud owner of houses and villas in Italy, as well as shares and bank accounts swollen.

His lawyers, Anna Orecchioni and Giacinto Canzona, said Tommasino fortune left in a will he wrote and deposited them in his office in Rome in 2009.

Ms. Orecchioni explained that the Italian legislation Tommasino not entitled to inherit the money directly and he was finally given to the nurse Mary, Stefania.

Ms. Orecchioni said: "In the end we decided that Stefania was the best person to manage the money that Maria had left in his will.

"To be honest I do not need all that money. He is happy with a bowl of milk and some cookies."

Stefania said, "I had no idea it was worth so much."

Animal richest in the world is believed to Gunter, a German shepherd that left more than £ 90million by owner Liebenstien Karlotta heiress.

In 1988, British prisoner Ben Rea left his fortune of £ 9 million to his cat Blackie.

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