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Srilanka Banks as HNB wins Asia's Best Employer Awards for Excellence in Training

Chiranthi Cooray, Assistant General Manager - Human Resources receives the award on behalf of the bank.
Hatton National Bank PLC, was recognized for its commitment to its staff at the Asia's Best Employer Awards for Excellence in Training. This award was hosted by Universum Employer Branding Institute a world leader in Employer Branding; conferred by World HRD Congress, Employer Branding Institute, India and Stars of Industry Group with CMO Asia as a strategic partner and endorsed by Asian Confederation of Business and was presented at a ceremony in Singapore last week.

Asia's Best Employer Awards adds immense value to the HNB brand and this recognition conveys the importance our bank has always placed on its people and our commitment to learning and growth.
 Chiranthi Cooray, Assistant General Manager - Human Resources receives the award on behalf of the bank.
It should be noted that we have never economized on our training but have always made every effort to ensure that our staff are amongst the best in the industry, said Mancius Paiva, Deputy General Manager, Human Resources & Administration, com menting on the Award.

Source : Dailynews

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