Sri Lanka Rejected the Report of High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay
Geneva, 21 March, (
Sri Lanka rejected of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Navi Pillay and called the report, ‘flawed and misconceived, -based on a
collection of inaccuracies and misconceptions is in itself fatally flawed'.
Mahinda Samarasinghe, MP Minister of Plantation Industries,
Special Envoy of President of Sri Lanka on Human Right & Leader of the
Delegation of Sri Lanka
“We note that in the Report, the Office of the High
Commissioner has gone beyond the mandate granted under resolution 19/2 which
limited her role to reporting on the provision of technical assistance in terms
of OP3 thereof,” pointed out Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe.
Sri Lanka’s special Envoy of President of Sri Lanka on Human
Rights and the Leader of the Sri Lanka Delegation Mr. Mahinda Samarasinghe
speaking in Geneva on the report of the Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights said the report appears to be “the outcome of no more than an information
gathering exercise that has served as launching pad for a fresh resolution.”
When speaking, Leader of the Sri Lanka Delegation Mr.
Mahinda Samarasinghe said, “The OHCHR has ventured into territory not envisaged
by L.19/2 by making substantive recommendations. The recommendations contained
in the Report introduce substantive measures which are totally unrelated to the
mandate under 19/2.
“The Report refers several times to the United Nations
Secretary General’s Advisory Panel of Experts’ (PoE) Report on Sri Lanka. We
requested the OHCHR to delete all references to the PoE Report as it was not
referred to in the Resolution 19/2, and therefore reference to it in the OHCHR
Report expands the ambit of the Report beyond the original scope and mandate of
that Resolution, he said.
He further said, As we pointed out in our statement to the
High Level Segment of this Session, the Government of Sri Lanka in good faith
facilitated this visit. The OHCHR team engaged in a dialogue with Sri Lankan
counterparts, carried out field visits and held consultations with selected
segments of the Sri Lanka polity. The High Commissioner herself appreciates
that open access was granted.
Full statement on the Report of the OHCHR A/HRC/22/38
delivered on Wednesday 20 March, by Mahinda Samarasinghe, MP Minister of
Plantation Industries, Special Envoy of President of Sri Lanka on Human Right
& Leader of the Delegation of Sri Lanka to the 22nd Session of the UN Human
Rights Council, Geneva
We wish to express our strongest reservations as to the
content of the report on Sri Lanka as well as the procedure followed in
formulating this document which bears number A/HRC/22/38. This report purports
to be pursuant to Resolution L. 19/2 which we have rejected. We also question
how a technical mission, after a visit of just over a week, could have produced
such a document purporting to be a comprehensive report pursuant to L.19/2.
We have already placed on record the numerous inaccuracies
and misconceptions which mar the report in an Addendum numbered
We note that in the Report, the Office of the High
Commissioner has gone beyond the mandate granted under resolution 19/2 which
limited her role to reporting on the provision of technical assistance in terms
of OP3 thereof.
The OHCHR has ventured into territory not envisaged by
L.19/2 by making substantive recommendations. The recommendations contained in
the Report introduce substantive measures which are totally unrelated to the
mandate under 19/2.
The Report refers several times to the United Nations
Secretary General’s Advisory Panel of Experts’ (PoE) Report on Sri Lanka. We
requested the OHCHR to delete all references to the PoE Report as it was not
referred to in the Resolution 19/2, and therefore reference to it in the OHCHR
Report expands the ambit of the Report beyond the original scope and mandate of
that Resolution.
Furthermore, the PoE Report on Sri Lanka was commissioned by
the UN Secretary General as a private consultation and is not the product or a
request of the UN Human Rights Council, or any other intergovernmental process.
Neither has it received the endorsement of any intergovernmental body.
Hence, it has neither credence nor legitimacy. In its
Report, the three-member Advisory Panel also makes it clear that the assertions
set out there in remain unsubstantiated and require a higher standard of proof.
For these reasons among others, the GoSL does not recognize the PoE Report, and
is perplexed as to the rationale behind it being invoked extensively in the
OHCHR Report.
We also have concerns regarding the conduct of the OHCHR
team who immediately after their return to Geneva, chose to brief a selected
group of countries at an event hosted by a third country even before sharing
the outcome of their visit with Sri Lanka either in Colombo or with the
Permanent Mission in Geneva. Our Permanent Representative had, at the time,
raised these concerns with the High Commissioner. It is interesting that the
new draft resolution borrows heavily from the language of the OHCHR Report. I
submit that follow up action based on a collection of inaccuracies and
misconceptions is in itself fatally flawed.
As we pointed out in our statement to the High Level Segment
of this Session, the Government of Sri Lanka in good faith facilitated this
visit. The OHCHR team engaged in a dialogue with Sri Lankan counterparts,
carried out field visits and held consultations with selected segments of the
Sri Lanka polity. The High Commissioner herself appreciates that open access
was granted.
In sum, it appears that the report is the outcome of no more
than an information gathering exercise that has served as launching pad for a
fresh resolution, rather than an attempt to stay within the bounds of strictly
following-up on L.19/2 which stipulates the requirement of consultation and
concurrence on the provision of technical assistance, consistent with
Resolutions 5/1 and 5/2.
Despite its dissociation from L.19/2 and measures pursuant
to that action in the Council, Sri Lanka has never ruled out cooperation with
the High Commissioner for Human Rights. We have had a Senior Advisor to the UN
Country Team from the OHCHR since the aftermath of the tsunami of December
2004. In my former capacity as Minister for Human Rights, I hosted the High
Commissioner’s predecessor Madam LoiuseArbour’s visit to Sri Lanka, and her
visit during the humanitarian operation in 2007 was characterized by open and
constructive engagement. From 2008 onward, the Senior Advisor from the High
Commissioner’s office contributed to the process of formulation of the National
Action Plan on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. This demonstrates
our willingness to work with the Office of the High Commissioner.
As we have stated on many occasions, we have invited the
High Commissioner to visit Sri Lanka since April 2011 in pursuance of our
ongoing engagement. Despite her finding time to visit the region in the recent
past, in particular her visits to the South Asian sub-region within the past 12
months, she has not been able to schedule a visit to Sri Lanka when she could
see for herself the remarkable transformation taking place in the day to day
lives of citizens after the defeat of terrorism in 2009.
For these reasons, we would request Members of this Council
to critically evaluate the content and scope of this Report to ensure that an
unhealthy precedent should not be established. I would also urge you to resist all
attempts to use such a flawed and misconceived document to be the basis on
which this Council contemplates taking further action.
Source: Asian Tribune
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