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Australia prohibits Apple Samsung tablet in victory

An Australian court put a temporary ban on the tablet Samsung Galaxy last following a complaint by Apple that features touch-screen tablet made ​​use of the patented technology by Apple. Apple tablets Samsung previously blocked in Germany.

REUTERS - An Australian court slapped a temporary ban on the sale of Samsung Electronics 'tablet last team to Australia on Thursday, handing his rival Apple another legal victory in the two companies' global patent war.

The final resolution of the case can take months and the ruin of the Australian market viability of the tablet Galaxy - the best competitors for the iPad from Apple, which dominates global sales of tablets.

Two technology companies have been engaged in a fierce battle in 10 countries involving patents smartphones and tablets since April, Australia's dispute with focus on touch screen technology used in tablet Samsung Galaxy.

The Federal Court, in granting the temporary ban, ruled Samsung had a case pending in at least two of Apple's patents. The prohibition applies to sales of 10.1 tablet Samsung Galaxy until the court itself on the issue of basic patents.

"I am convinced that it is appropriate to grant an injunction, however, I propose once again the opportunity for a final hearing earlier on the topics presented in this application," said the judge Annabelle Bennett of the court.

Australia's decision follows a successful legal move by Apple to block the sale of its Samsung tablets in Germany and some smartphone models in the Netherlands. That occurs before important audiences in the United States and South Korea.

"The ruling could further extend Apple's dominance in the tablet market as it expands the ban on sales of Samsung's latest products," said Lee Seung-woo, an analyst at Shinyoung Securities in Seoul.

"But it's hard to predict that all other jurisdictions similar decisions Samsung negative and the company has the ability to make an elastic rebound, as shown in the smartphone market with its Galaxy S model."

Appeal option

Samsung left open the possibility of appealing against the decision and noted that it will continue with the patent application itself against Apple related to wireless technology from Samsung.

"We are disappointed with this decision and Samsung are seeking legal advice about your options," he said in a statement.

"Samsung will continue its lawsuit against Apple's claim to ensure that innovative products are still available for consumers," he said.

Australia court hearing the issue of patents could take months and Samsung to lose strength gifts Christmas season there.

In his ruling, Judge Bennett Samsung offered the opportunity for a quick decision on patent litigation.

However, Samsung has so far been reluctant to agree to an expedited hearing in Australia, despite the risk of being lost in the Christmas sales, because it says it needs time to prepare an adequate defense against Apple's case.

In short, Samsung has indicated that lack of Christmas in Australia could be a minor problem for the company to rush the defense and run the risk of defeat in a key patent ruling.

Samsung may appeal against the decision of the temporary ban of 14 days from the publication of the written statement on Friday.

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