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US Couple remarry - after 48 years

 A couple of U.S. are to remarry - almost half a century later divorced.

Roland Davis and Lena Henderson, both 85, got hooked in their teens and divorced 20 years later and four children.

Her youngest daughter, Renita Chadwick, also a grandmother, said: "We are all so ridiculously excited as we are children again ..

"It's the dream of every child, every child who has ever been in a family where divorce has occurred, that their parents back together."

The couple met in their teens in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and were married by a justice of the peace.

On this occasion, a church wedding is planned in Buffalo, New York, followed by a reception at a local restaurant.

"I'm glad you're here," said Davis, who recently moved to Buffalo to Colorado after the death of his second wife in January. .

Mr. Davis proposed to Mrs. Henderson, who is also a widow after remarrying, via phone around Easter and she accepted, although he had not seen since the funeral of the family in 1996.

Before that, the two had not been face to face since splitting in 1964, although he had kept in touch and keep up with the other's life through the children.

Her eldest daughter, Johnnie Mae Funderbirk, had urged his father to return to New York since the death of his wife.

"I had always kind of had that in mind, especially children," he said. "You never forget someone you care at one time or another."

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